• Securing the Heart of Your Business: Protecting Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace from Cyber Threats 

    Securing the Heart of Your Business: Protecting Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace from Cyber Threats 

    During World War I, the French Prime Minister, George Clemenceau said that “generals always prepare to fight the last war.” The problem of course is that the last war used the last war’s technology which is why each subsequent war has such devastating casualties. The new attack methodologies always seem to outflank the defenses.  The…

  • From Logs to Attack Story – Mastering End-to-End Security

    From Logs to Attack Story – Mastering End-to-End Security

    Logs play a vital role in cybersecurity. As we explained in a previous post, How Comprehensive Logging Can Stop the Next Big Cyberattack, logs act as digital breadcrumbs, recording every action and interaction, including who, when, and how a system was accessed and what actions were taken. However, their value extends far beyond being mere…

  • How RansomHub Breached Over 200 USA Businesses in Just Several Months 

    How RansomHub Breached Over 200 USA Businesses in Just Several Months 

    How do these cyberattacks keep occurring? It’s an honest question that any business has a right to ask. We hear of new advanced security tools being released regularly from some of the world’s top security vendors, and yet cyberattacks continue to capture headlines.   Reasons for Perpetual Cyberattacks  The persistent threat landscape of today stems from…

  • How Comprehensive Logging Can Stop the Next Big Cyberattack

    How Comprehensive Logging Can Stop the Next Big Cyberattack

    Imagine logging into your organization’s system one morning only to discover threat actors had exfiltrated all of your current and past customers’ data. Or picture trying to log on and realizing hackers have locked you out of your systems.   Although these two situations are hypothetical, the story is all too familiar. In the last few…

  • The Fatal Flaws of Poor TDIR in Ransomware Recovery 

    The Fatal Flaws of Poor TDIR in Ransomware Recovery 

    Imagine a coastal town bracing for an impending hurricane. As the storm approaches, the community mobilizes in a flurry of activity. Residents come together to board up windows, place sandbags, and secure loose items. Local and national media descend upon the area, their cameras capturing the frantic preparations, the storm’s fury, and the initial aftermath.  …

  • The Evolution of SecOps: The Essential Components of MDR 

    The Evolution of SecOps: The Essential Components of MDR 

    As threat actors launch more sophisticated and AI-enhanced attacks, traditional preventative measures alone are falling short. Adequately protecting an intricate web of modern infrastructure — a blend of on-premise and cloud-based systems, numerous mobile devices, and many applications — while navigating increasingly stringent compliance regulations demands a more proactive and holistic approach.   Plenty of cybersecurity…


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