• Preventing Insider Threats with a Prevention Program

    Preventing Insider Threats with a Prevention Program

    We like to think that all threats come from the outside, that the people who want to perform malice upon us or our organizations are total strangers. Unfortunately, that is just not the case. An uncomfortable statistic comes from the FBI. According to 2011 homicide data, 54.3% of murder victims were killed by someone they…

  • Building A Cybersecurity Compliance Program

    Building A Cybersecurity Compliance Program

    As if IT managers and CIOs didn’t have enough on their plates already, many are finding themselves with another heaping scoop of responsibility to manage: compliance. Various regulatory bodies set compliance requirements, which differ from country to country or even state to state in the US. For a company to be compliant, it must meet…

  • What Is the NIS 2 Directive and How Does It Affect You?

    What Is the NIS 2 Directive and How Does It Affect You?

    The NIS Directive was adopted in July 2015 and implemented in the European Union on May 9, 2018. The directive published a series of cybersecurity requirements for operators of essential services and digital service providers. The aim was to enhance the security and resilience of critical infrastructure and services by enforcing a high common level…

  • The Security and Financial Advantages of an Outsourced SOC

    The Security and Financial Advantages of an Outsourced SOC

    In a recent article, “Why Outsourcing Cybersecurity is Essential for SMBs,” we explored the difficulties SMBs face when securing their digital assets against cyber threats and briefly discussed the pros and cons of building an in-house security operations center (SOC) versus using an outsourced SOC. In this follow-up post, we’ll take a more practical and…

  • Dealing with Stress and Attrition in Cybersecurity Jobs

    Dealing with Stress and Attrition in Cybersecurity Jobs

    Picture yourself as a cybersecurity leader seated in a conference room with other cybersecurity leaders from across your industry. Now imagine looking at the person seated to the left of you. Chances are that the person seated beside you will not be in their present role in 2025. That is because according to Gartner, nearly…

  • Today’s Cyber Challenge: Multi-Site Security With a Diverse Tech Stack

    Today’s Cyber Challenge: Multi-Site Security With a Diverse Tech Stack

    In today’s globalized economy, it’s easier than ever for businesses to operate in multiple locations, with many crossing borders to reach a broader customer base. While this can bring many benefits, it can also create significant challenges, particularly when managing IT and cybersecurity. As organizations increase their reach, they must work with service providers in…


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