• Why a SOC Has Become a Top Requirement for Cyber Insurance

    Why a SOC Has Become a Top Requirement for Cyber Insurance

    It seems that everyone is trying to identify the next bubble to take some type of advanced action to avoid it or take advantage of it. Many of us have lived through more than one. There was the IT bubble at the start of the century followed by the housing bubble in 2008. Bubbles are…

  • Common Entry Points #4 – RDSH

    Common Entry Points #4 – RDSH

    If there is a weak point in your IT environment, it’s only a matter of time before a threat actor exploits it. So far, our series of “Common Entry Points” has scrutinized ITaaS (IT-as-a-Service), VPNs, and unpatched and obsolete OSS, all based on real incidents CYREBRO has dealt with. Now, we’ll look at another common…

  • CYREBRO’s Fraud Analysis Sheds Light on How to Fight Against BEC and Fraud

    CYREBRO’s Fraud Analysis Sheds Light on How to Fight Against BEC and Fraud

    Fraud is nothing new and has existed well before the world wide web came into play. But with constant digital transformations and advancements in technology, it’s expected that fraud too will evolve and shift, becoming ever more dangerous and complex. Con artists continue to keep up with security trends, including digital resources, content, and organizational…

  • The New Phishing Method That Bypasses MFA

    The New Phishing Method That Bypasses MFA

    Security experts, including our team at CYREBRO, tout the benefits of using multi-factor authentication (MFA) for an added layer of security. While that is still sound advice, recent research shows that a new phishing technique, which steals authentication cookies through Microsoft Edge WebView2 applications, can render MFA useless if people don’t take other precautions. Discovering…

  • Prisoners Dilemma – How Undisclosed Cyberattacks Put Us All at Risk 

    Prisoners Dilemma – How Undisclosed Cyberattacks Put Us All at Risk 

    According to the Wall Street Journal, an estimated 90 percent of cyber incidents at public companies went undisclosed in regulatory filings in 2018. That means that despite the habitual headlines we read concerning cyberattacks today, it’s only the tip of the iceberg. In fact, the practice of companies remaining quiet about such incidents has a…

  • Common Entry Points #3 – Unpatched & Obsolete Operating Systems

    Common Entry Points #3 – Unpatched & Obsolete Operating Systems

    Military strategy is about knowing where an opponent’s weak points are and how to take advantage of them. It is the same concept for cyberattacks. External threat actors don’t bide their time chipping away at strong defenses.  Instead, they exploit known vulnerabilities such as unpatched operating systems. A single unpatched OS can be the entry…


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