• A Smart SOC in space – Protecting the Millennium Falcon

    A Smart SOC in space – Protecting the Millennium Falcon

    If the title of this blog post grabbed your attention on May the 4th, of all days, then you probably need no introduction to the Star Wars franchise and its’ iconic starship the Millennium Falcon. But just in case you’ve been living under the remnants of the planet Alderaan since its destruction by the first…

  • Malicious NPM packages – an increasingly popular vector

    Malicious NPM packages – an increasingly popular vector

    Cybersecurity is a complicated circular pattern. Tools, strategies, and methodologies are constantly evolving to protect more expansive attack surfaces. At the same time, hackers develop new attack vectors at unprecedented rates. Round and round it goes with no end in sight.  Companies are often aware of massive cyberattacks that land in the headlines of major…

  • REvil TOR sites back in action with new ransomware (RaaS) operations 

    REvil TOR sites back in action with new ransomware (RaaS) operations 

    Has REvil re-emerged? That’s the question on everyone’s mind and the topic that’s got the cyber community talking. After months of silence, REvil, the infamous presumed Russian-based ransomware gang, seems to be back online as of last week, with a new leak site promoted on RuTOR. The hacker group’s old site, Happy Blog, has returned,…

  • The 7 Stages of a Ransomware Kill Chain 

    The 7 Stages of a Ransomware Kill Chain 

    In the first major battle of the America Civil War at Bull Run, nearby residents gathered on the hill overlooking where that battle was to take place with picnic baskets and opera glasses to witness the battle and cheer their side to victory. They ended up fleeing in terror. For those without any military experience,…

  • Improve your network security by eliminating blind spots 

    Improve your network security by eliminating blind spots 

    Spaghetti and meatballs. Batman and Robin. Peanut butter and jelly. Notice a theme? Well, here are two other pairs that go together as clearly as these, but you might be less familiar with: cybersecurity and visibility, and threat actors, and vulnerabilities. Cybersecurity threats are at an all-time high as threat actors are ruthless and willing…

  • Utilizing SOC Infrastructure vs Managed EDR – an MSSP perspective

    Utilizing SOC Infrastructure vs Managed EDR – an MSSP perspective

    The constant headlines concerning the latest attacks on companies across the industry spectrum serve as constant reminders of the importance of cybersecurity. Digital transformation alone is not enough. You must secure that digital environment, and it’s something that even SMBs have come to realize all too well. Unfortunately, most SMBs lack the technology stack, talent,…

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