Pre and Post Breach Insights From the MOVEit Incident – Strengthening Cyber Posture
In 1972, Edward Norton Lorenz, a mathematician and meteorologist, introduced the world to the Butterfly Effect, giving birth to the science of chaos theory. The “Butterfly Effect” rests on the notion that the world is so interconnected today, that a one-time small occurrence can have a major impact on a larger more complex system. He…
Fueling Resilience: Optimization and Adapting the MITRE ATT&CK Framework for Robust Security
Sun Tzu was a Chinese military strategist and general best known as the author of the immortal work, The Art of War, which is still studied and quoted to this day. Sun Tzu was a believer in preparedness prior to battle and believed that battles are often won prior to being fought. One of his…
Healthcare Cyber Defense Through Greater Visibility and Early Detection
Extortion is about leverage. The more leverage you can attain, the greater the chance that an extortion attempt will prove successful. A ransomware attack is a classic example of an extortion maneuver. A ransomware gang encrypts the systems and data repositories that an organization’s business operations depend on. At that point, everything grinds to a…
Preventing Insider Threats with a Prevention Program
We like to think that all threats come from the outside, that the people who want to perform malice upon us or our organizations are total strangers. Unfortunately, that is just not the case. An uncomfortable statistic comes from the FBI. According to 2011 homicide data, 54.3% of murder victims were killed by someone they…
Dealing with Stress and Attrition in Cybersecurity Jobs
Picture yourself as a cybersecurity leader seated in a conference room with other cybersecurity leaders from across your industry. Now imagine looking at the person seated to the left of you. Chances are that the person seated beside you will not be in their present role in 2025. That is because according to Gartner, nearly…
Strengthen Your Security Posture With MITRE ATT&CK Framework
Those who used to watch old police detective TV shows will recall the classic scenes in which a crime victim or witness is asked to look through large binders of mug shots while sitting at a police station desk. This is because police detectives know that certain types of crimes continue to be committed by…