• CISO Series Podcast Featuring CYREBRO’s CTO, Ori Arbel – What’s Next in Security?

    CISO Series Podcast Featuring CYREBRO’s CTO, Ori Arbel – What’s Next in Security?

    In this episode of CISO Series, we CYREBRO’s CTO, Ori Arbel, discussing the latest cybersecurity trends with the show hosts, cybersecurity journalist, David Spark, and veteran CISO, Andy Ellis. From the start of COVID and the cloud migration rush that followed, to practical tips to help improve incident response planning, the group discusses how to…

  • Lapsus$ Breaches Okta to Reach Customers’ Sensitive Data

    Lapsus$ Breaches Okta to Reach Customers’ Sensitive Data

    Lapsus$ Breaches Okta to Reach Customers’ Sensitive Data Traced back to January of this year, Okta, a publicly traded identity and access management company announced yesterday that it has been impacted by a cyber-attack claimed by the data extortion group Lapsus$. Okta and Lapsus$ disagree regarding the success of the breach, while companies like Cloudflare…

  • Ransomware Myths SMBs Need to Be Familiar With

    Ransomware Myths SMBs Need to Be Familiar With

    Ransomware attacks are skyrocketing so quickly alarm bells should be going off at every company. No one is safe, and experts predict 2022 will be a devastating year for ransomware attacks. This should come as no surprise, as attackers these days don’t even need to write their own ransomware code. They can launch an attack…

  • Ransomware – It’s all about the Benjamins

    Ransomware – It’s all about the Benjamins

    It was Ott Biederman, an accountant for American organized crime back at the turn of the 19th century that originally issued the famous immortal line, “Nothing personal, its just business.” That is what ransomware is today – just business. While there are occasional ransomware attacks initiated by state-sponsored groups to bring down the operations of…

  • RaaS: The Rapid Growth of The Ransomware-as-a-Service Business Model

    RaaS: The Rapid Growth of The Ransomware-as-a-Service Business Model

    Cybercriminals are driven by the profit motive, and few activities are more profitable to them than deploying ransomware against unsuspecting businesses. Ransomware is a type of malware that uses encryption to block or limit users from accessing systems–such as databases, file servers or applications–until a ransom is paid. Ransomware attacks have risen sharply in the…

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